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Approving Projects

(City Hall and Fire Department)

Project approved by the competent body, which attests to the established requirements.

Environmental License

Document issued by the environmental agency, which certifies the feasibility, approves the design, location, installation, expansion and operation of projects and the uses of environmental resources, considered effective or potentially polluting, or that may cause environmental degradation.

Certified by the Fire Department

Document issued by the Military Fire Department, which certifies the safety conditions, enabling the use and operation of a building.

Sanitary License

Document issued by the Municipal Health Surveillance, which certifies the regularity and authorizes the activities related to public health.

Operating License

Document issued by the City Hall, which authorizes the location and operation of a company in accordance with current laws and regulations.

Advertising License

Document issued by the City Hall, which authorizes the use of advertisements and logos in the identification of the company in accordance with current laws and regulations.

Other areas of expertise

  • Opening of Municipal Registration and State Registration

  • AFE or AE (ANVISA)

  • Approval Permit

  • Construction Permit

  • Renovation Permit

  • Regularization Permit

  • Civil Police Permit and Certificate

  • Federal Police Permit

  • Brazilian Army Permit

  • Alteration of Municipal and State Registration

  • Alteration of the National Registry - CNPJ

  • Write-off of Municipal Registration and State Registration

  • Write-off of the National Registry - CNPJ


  • Protest Certifications

  • Solid Waste Certificate

  • Certificate of Reseller Station

  • Certificate of Regularity – CR

  • Vehicle Inspection Certificate (Health Surveillance)

  • National Registry Certificate (ANTT)

  • Certificate of Regularity with IBAMA

  • Registration of Legal Entity with the Board

  • Technical and Legal Feasibility Study – EVTL

  • Habite-se (Housing Permit)

  • Debt Mapping with Federal, State and Municipal Bodies

  • Ancillary Obligations with Federal, State and Municipal Bodies

  • Obtaining Real Estate Certificates

  • Release Grant

  • Crossing Grant

  • Grant of Use


  • Legal Entity Registration with the Regional Council of Veterinary Medicine - CRMV

  • Legal Entity Registration with the Regional Council of Nutritionists - CRN

  • ​Legal Entity Registration with the Regional Council of Chemistry - CRQ

  • SIF



We have a complete system to view the progress of the processes and regulatory licenses obtained from your company in real time, and it is also possible to monitor through the application.


Highly qualified employees with extensive experience in the field.


All documents are stored in total security and confidentiality, complying with all requirements related to LGPD.


National scope.

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